After you have created the alternate UPN as described in, you can script the change the of UPN of users to a different UPN using the following powershell script.
I played around with the formatting of the code below to get it nicely color coded. This means that some of the line breaks don't show well here, but a copy and a paste into notepad should format it properly.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory $privateUPN = 'domain.local' $publicUPN = '' Get-ADUser -SearchBase "ou=Students,dc=domain,dc=com" -SearchScope SubTree -filter * | ForEach-Object {if ($_.UserPrincipalName){#Checks if the UserPrincipalName is null $newUserName = $_.UserPrincipalName.Replace($privateUPN,$publicUPN) #Changes the UPN and sets the new name to a variable <# The following is to output extra details for troubleshooting : Note the line continuation is a back tick#> #Write-Host $_.UserPrincipalName " now is " $newUserName -ForegroundColor DarkRed ` $_ | Set-ADUser -Server $privateUPN -UserPrincipalName $newUserName <#-WhatIf#>}#The whatif commands doesn't actaully change anything remove it to make the change. else {Write-Host $_.sAMAccountName + " does not have a UPN" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan} #{$newUserName = $_.UserPrincipalName.Replace($privateUPN,$publicUPN))} }