Monday, January 23, 2012

Creating a Campus Online Directory

At Mount one of the projects we did was to create an accurate up to date online directory. This would expose directory data in an easily searchable format.  It was required to be able to search via Name, Title or Department. It was also required that we had 2 versions:

  • One for Internal Audiences that includes student information, Fac/Staff Home addresses and Phones
  • One for External Audiences that  includes Campus Phone, Address, Titles, Departments, and Email
  • Additional Request was to ensure Exchange was updated with the latest information
The key aspect of this project was to figure out how the information would flow to ensure it was up to date particularly given the delay of information transmission between various departments internally. The systems and people involved in the process were as follows.

  • Powercampus (Our ERP) this is supposed to be the master database that is most correct and where all data comes from
  • Active Directory - In order to get exchange updated the information need to end up here. We also decided that the information displayed on the web should come from here to ensure our directory is current for security purposes.
  • Human Resources - Responsible for making changes of Fac/Staff info and generating ID information in powercampus
  • IT - responsible for running the import/export of data and creating new network accounts based on information from HR
Below is the Data Flow Diagram of the 3 functions of that would occur in the online directory process.

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