Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pocket reader connectivity in CBORD's CSGold

The following article will document the potential issues and steps required to verify the connectivity of Cbord's CSGold Pocket Reader. We have one of these devices, specifically an MC70, and recently had issues where the device would not communicate with the server and was permanently in an offline state.

  1. Step one is to ensure that the wireless on the device is connecting to your wireless network and you have network access. To accomplish this you can use the wireless network configuration tools. When completed the connectivity icon at the top of the reader should look like figure 1 with the arrows.
  2. You next need to ensure that the port and server the pocket reader is pointing at to connect to is the IP address of your TPS server. The port needs to be 20000 + the node sid of the line driver of the pocket reader. For example, our line driver node sid is 9001, this means that our port needs to be 29001.
  3. You need to confirm the MAC address that the reader displays in Info > Device Info is identical to the MAC address in the TPS configuration for the location you have the reader set to.  I have discovered this is case sensitive.
  4. To obtain additional information, stop and restart the Pocket Reader MGR with a debug level of 5.
  5. Look on the TPS server in Goldserver\logs folder for a file named LineDriverNODESID(timeDATE).out or .log
  6. You can open this with notepad and look at any connection attempts from the pocket reader.
  7. In addition, you could also do a netstat -a -n | grep port (in my example 29001) and it will show incoming attempts for the server.
  8. If you see nothing here be sure to check for any firewall or ACL rules between your device and the server.
With these steps in place the pocket reader should be getting that little green triangle in the application instead of the red triangle. Best of luck.

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